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Of Time

Monday, January 05, 2009 at 3:38 AM

Feeling: Tired
Listening: The sound of the night

Monday: Shopping
Tuesday: Shopping
Wednesday: Class chalet
Thursday: Rest aft chalet
Friday: Amelia's birthday ♥

It's gonna be a hell of a last week. I've yet to complete any homework and I am so dead. I am not looking forward to school and I am not looking forward to waking up at 6am because that is now my sleeping time.

Birthday is on 23rd. The Girlfriends and I have decided to have a BBQ on 24th to celebrate. Gonna invite them and their partners and some mutual friends. I hope it'll be fun because I hate troublesome things like buying food and I usually go to barbeques to exhibit my eyepower.

I am super not looking forward to school. Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

It's at night when you feel emo and all alone. Hurhur.


Love, Sharon
You know you love this post.


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