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Of Charades over coffee

Tuesday, December 15, 2009 at 3:53 AM

Feeling: Oddly tired
Listening: Nothing
Watching: Big Bang Theory

Tecky's flying off to Turkey (is it?) soon for a holiday so we had our long-awaited coffee session at Starbucks!!! OMG I know Prom was last Wednesday and I took like >5 photos + 1 polaroid with them, but I still miss them!!!!! It feels rly good seeing them! I miss school because of people like them ♥

We had a mini heart to heart before Tecky arrive. Le sigh. Makes me miss them more only.
Anyways after Tecky came we played charades. HAHAHAHAHA like wth but it's fun okay! First Teck and I were in the same group and he seriously sucked at it! After that we decided to draw lots and Hilsy and Tecky ended up in the same group. Me and Gina yay! After that Hils and I teamed up against Gina and Tecky. Teck is just super noob at it!!

1. "Hils, take picture!"
2. "Cheese!" -super happy cause it's a rare Hilma-willing-to-take-picture moment-
3. -tries luck again but got ignored-
4. -got scolded-
Such, is the life is Sharon.

"DON'T TAKE PICTURE OF ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Obligatory mirror shot!!!!!!

WTF see this auntie picture on the toilet doors. I thought she's a real auntie when I was washing my hands and facing the mirror okay!! Got a shock ttm tttttttmmmmmmmm!!!!!

Some of my favourite people!!!!!
You know there's just some people that you're close to in school but somehow you just know that after graduation you most probably won't keep in touch. It sucks to say but I do think that it applies ttm to a few of my close friends. But I reeeeeeeaaaaalllllllyyyyy think we won't end up like that right right right!! I hope that 1 year later we can still meet up at some random starbucks and play charades!!!

I also got my prom glamour shot picture by Our Photography Club~~~~, of Photog4!!!!

♥ Photog4. OHHHHHHH they're my favourite people too! (Actually they're the same people, just trade Kuanz and Tecky but HAHAHAHHAHAA nvm lah right)

Selena just left for holiday this morning! Le sigh faster come back I wanna meet you and Tan XX too.

Meeting girlfriends on the 23rd! WOOOO excited!!!!

Oh on a totally ultra different note, yesterday I made an extremely unpleasant and annoying discovery - I BECAME SKINNIER. Like wtf I am skinny enough as it is but I just had to become EVEN skinnier. My skinny jeans is ultra loose now and I have no idea why. I have my regular meals and I even eat supper wtf am I skinnier. I am totally pissed. Gosh what's with my body?!


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