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Of Many Many Many Things

Thursday, December 10, 2009 at 9:20 PM

Feeling: Sick
Listening: Bad Romance - GAGAGAGA

And so A's over. And prom's over. And our JC life is officially over. Woo. I haven't been updating in awhile and I've like a heap of overdue photos which I'm gonna upload today.

30 November - Official Liberation!
After the paper we went Parkway for lunch/dinner, and I went to highlight my hair! :D

We were actually trying to take a photo of Blanche's blur face by pretending to camwhore but we failed cause she kept looking down! After several tries we gave up lol.

Last day in uniform! MUST. TAKE. SELF. PORTRAITS!!!!!!!!!!

Can't really see actually :< Like only visible under the sun! But nevermind! Kinda satisfied with it!! When I went to TP the other day I was convinced that I blended right in!

1 Dec - Read a book and drink coffee at Starbucks
I went to Compasspoint Starbucks to drink coffee (Caramel Macchiato ftw!) and to finish up my Time Traveler's Wife!

The feeling is just ultra refreshing omg I swear everyone gotta try it someday! It's like reading and relaxing without any guilt!!!!! No need to think about studying for that last MCQ or anything omg it's shiok one!

I also bought Gingerbread man earstuds! So cute right omg, looks good enough to eat! See that's my right ear. The star one I squeezed into my closed earhole with all my might and I ended up with infection LOL so I closed it back. Waste time only so painful summore zzz.

2 Dec - Shopping!
Went shopping for prom dress again! I swear you can die from retail therapy overdose! But I'm happy cause on that day I bought my prom dress and oxford shoes!!!!

The shoes' so pretty right! But I haven't had a chance to wear it out yet!!! ONE DAY I WILL. OMG I just love it so much! But very sian cause like it doesnt suit a lot of my clothes and it makes my leg look short!

And Blanche bought her prom dress on this day too! OMG double triple ultra joy right! This was taken while Blanche was trying on her dress at Zara.

Self portraits lol.

Anyway the rest of the days leading up to prom was just a complete blur of events with shopping almost everyday with different people (like Selena, SeleBlanche, Amelia, etc). We also went to celebrate Camilia's birthday on the 6th! :D OMG I totally miss my gfs but they having exams and like our free times totally don't coincide! :<

Oh also had mad shoe shopping until I feel v sian at the thought of shopping omg. I swear I'm not going to step into a shopping mall for quite sometime!

9 Dec - PROM!!

The instax look so pretty right! I wanna put them in my wallet but can't decide which to put lol so I just don't put any.

It was kinda fun I guess. I took photos with many many many many people! Quite happy with my dress and stuff!! And I took photos with _! And it's quite sad that _ didn't go omg my only sadness!! (the two _ are diff people btw lol) Will upload the photos on facebook soon! AND I HATE FLASH!!!!!

After prom everyone flew to Supperclub but there was quite a queue and in the end we (Sele Blanche Hils Kuanz Weijia Songz) decided not to go. So instead we went to sit at the 24Hours Mac beside the club lol. After awhile Jarod and Kuanz left, then Weijia was quite sick so she and Song went home and it's left with me and my usual people! Hehehhe we discovered that the Macs toilet has super good lighting so let the camwhoring begin! Teehee.

We are so pretty right!!!!!! WAHAHAHHAHAHHAA. And you know my heels were so high! It was the first time I wore heels (noob I know) and I felt so uber sian! I didnt fall down! -proud- But omg killer heels really killed me. Today I woke up with such ache in my feet that I wanna die!!!!!!!

Okay rest of the photos on Facebook! But I limited all to only Friends of Friends so if you're not my friend's friend then too bad lol bye.

And I never win lucky draw. I sad.

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