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Of Random Stuff

Wednesday, December 30, 2009 at 10:47 PM

Feeling: Normal
Listening: Smile - Uncle Kracker

Today's the 30th Dec. Tomorrow's the last day of the year. OMG. -getting all emotional- Will do a proper cliche Byebye 2009 Hello 2010 tomorrow or Friday. :>:>

Still unemployed. Still no job. No money. NOTHINGGGGGGGGGGGG. I really need a well paying job. I might seem really picky and troublesome but seriously it's because I need a good job! There's so many reasons why (which I'm not gonna share)
I'm super unwilling to work a $6/hr admin job, but I'm ultra willing if it's a Photography job. Geddit geddit. I want to be HAPPY working. And two of the big components are Interest and Salary. I have no interest for an admin job, so I need a good salary. I have a lot of interest for Photography, so good salary is not rly important. Why wouldnt everyone get it?

Went out with Blanche to town on Monday. 313 super crowded can die.

Frozen yoghurts (not the brand) are seriously the best. Went Frolick today with Hilsy omg felt like I was in heaven.

Tuesday I stayed at home. Packed my desk! WAH Super happy with it now! So neat. *hugs table*

While packing I also found my printer/scanner wire!!!!! The scanner is like 1 year old and I didn't install it after sooooo long cause I couldn't find the wire!

Super happy kkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!! I'm on this scanning craze HAHA I keep scanning weird things (like my hand).

KKKKKKKKKKK today I met up with Hilsy, Shaun Djie, Dean and Fazli for lunch!!!!!! :> Been sometime since I last saw Djie cause he didn't go prom.

OMG he has mohawk now finally HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. It's super sharp like some porcupine. His front view looks like onion!!!

After eating we went to the arcade for Daytona. Seriously Shaun Djie super noob at it. AND I NEARLY NEARLY NEARLY WIN FAZLI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -angst- But my Best Time is the highest! WAHAHAHHAHAHHAA don't playplay!

See their looks of seriousness HAHAHHAAHA funny.

Anyway we only met up for awhile -_- and then I went to Hilsy's estate to chill. We decided to play badminton.

I'm Team Sun and she's Team Moon. I look damn cui but we super tired after playing HAHAHHAHA we non-sports noobs. And right, I WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :>:>

Gina came to pass Hilsy her birthday present!! HAHAHAHA super funny to see Hils unwrapping it! I keep on trying to take pics and she got damn irritated!! HAHAHA -scared-

:D:D:D:D Glad you like the present, Hilsy!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! ♥

Lastly, the nothing better to do picture:


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