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Of Stingrays and Good Company

Thursday, December 17, 2009 at 12:12 AM

Feeling: HAPPY!!
Listening: Somebody to Love - Leighton Meester

My left eye hurts. :< Don't know if it's because of my contact lenses or what. I think I need to change them. I refuse to wear specs when I go out but the contacts irritate my eyes so much I don't know what to do!!!!!!!!!!

Self-portraits. LOL sorry I like to camwhore take self portraits.

Today I went to Bedok 85 for some stingray-loving with Robert Kenneth and Teri. Vincent was supposed to come but he had some stuff on. Stupid politician!!!! Supposed to go again on Friday but Robert say he can't make it so I guess the next time we meet would probably be next year or something!

We ate like the usual stuff. Super full at the end!
LOL see photo above. Robert you're so gay what's with the hand? And as usual he's super funny ttm!! Don't know what's his problem. We can laugh till our sides hurt soooo much but he just completely ignore us and continue eating!!!

Should be meeting the girlfriends on Wednesday. We haven't decide what to do yet! But I guess it doesn't really matter since it's gonna be fun no matter what. I'm gonna find a job soon but I'm so scared that it'll clash with the outing :<

#2 in my Cute Couple Club. OMG 1 year soon!! Congratulations!!!!! Teehee btw Kenneth Tang you still owe me birthday present!!
#1 is Kuanz and Jarod HAHAHAHAHHHHAHAA.

OHYA!!!!! And I bought CLEO! Robert and I were soooo shocked when we discovered that Farhanah Sheikh our 4e4 classmate was on the cover!!!!! HAHAHA at first we were like "Eh this person looks familiar!" then I told him "It's Farhanah!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" then he was like "OMG IT'S SHEIKH!!!!!!!!!!" Hahahhahahhehehee omg she looks super pretty on the cover!!!!!!!!!

HAHAHHHAAHA I prefer this photo over the other one cause this is more natural! And it's so scary I think Kenneth and I look like siblings! He look like my brother more than my brother looks like my brother!!!! Hahahhaha just love going 85 with them. Robert nv fails to amuse everyone!

Anyway I received my new bodycon dress from Supre!!!! I know I said I got no money right but I bought this quite sometime ago and I received it only today! It's a patchwork dress! I love it!

New favourite dress!
And I know right who camwhores with a polaroid, and apparently I do because I bring camwhoring to a whole new level HAHAHAHHA. Cause I was left with like 2 more shots so I just decided to take picture with myself because I have an ultra unwilling sister who's bigger than me and I just totally can't force her.

Tomorrow I'd go drink coffee and read book/draw with Jasmine!! She's gonna cross-stitch HAHAHAHAHAH ahma. Okay bye world!!!!!!

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