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Of Toast and Ghost

Saturday, December 26, 2009 at 1:22 AM

Feeling: Tired but happy :>
Listening: Fifteen - Taylor Swift

Went to take photos (of each other) with Kuanzy today at some ulu place!! :> It was damn hot and all omg nearly died. And at the end of 1 hour of shooting my back became like tanned. Gosh.

Anyway Toast's supposedly me. And Ghost is Kuan. (My surname = To and Kuan's = Goh. GEDDIT?)
Kkkkkk let the photos do the talking!!!

My album || Kuan's album

After taking the photos we went to meet Gina at Parkway. We were supposed to meet Hilma too but she fell sick so it was just Photog3 again! Hilsy when can we see youuuu!!!! We went to chill at some Starbucks and I was soooooo tired omg super cui. Then I went to meet family for Xmas Dinner (will blog soon I guess) and then home and now I am dying. It's only 1am! I'm gna convert to a morning person just you see!!!!!!

Gonna go get a job soon! Guess I'd try to call up on Monday and hopefully schedule interviews on Tuesday. LOL that is on the bright and optimistic side. No backup plan cause I believe in being optimistic HAHAHA.

Life has been GREATTTTTTT to me I know I am a little greedy but I just need it to be a little better. :> Just a little.

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