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Thursday, January 28, 2010 at 12:01 AM

Feeling: Rejuvenated
Listening: Code Blue Ending

On 24th January I met up with Mo and Bunz! :D:D Nice meeting up with them after so long!!

After meeting them I went to meet the girlfriends for zichar at laodifang! But they changed zichar vendor, and the new company SUCKS.

LOL 三姑六婆!!!

They kept on asking us if we're ready to order. Like once every 2 minutes. The woman was very rude and impatient!!!! WAH super irritated!!! Like if we don't order NOW they'd just chase us away. I know they're running a business and we shouldn't sit there for too long and not order, but we were not even there for very long, and it's not as if we're not gonna order right! Bitch.

Me and Wongsie, the Starhub girl!!!!

And right we haven't even started eating much and they shoved the bill right into our face. They say it's Company Policy that we must pay the moment they serve all the dishes. I know it's to prevent people from 白吃 but she could've done it in a more polite manner!!! OMG what happened to the old vendor. So irritated with the new one!

But I love the company!!
After dinner we went to 106 basketballcourt/fitness corner to chill. LOL haven't been there in awhile.

Hahahahahaha crazy people.

In the end they kept making me take photos of them playing with this swinging thing.

I took like 6 photos of them playing with that and got damn bored so I went on to take photos of Eunice and Yun. Eunice's back was facing me so I couldn't see what she was doing, and so I walked to a spot where I can see, and all of a sudden I saw a birthday cake. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I spoilt my own surprise!!!!!!!

Hahahahhahahaa sorry ah I a bit spoiler. And btw the cake is super nice!! I fed them the cake hehehahhaahhaa so sweet hor. But the photos all v ugly cause how glam can you look when you're eating cake right?

Thanks girlfriends!!

OHHHH and we're planning to go CNY visiting in Teri's car. Please let it come true!!~

I took leave from work today! I hope tomorrow I'd not have a lot a lot of work to do! Gosh it's been rly busy and I haven't done this daily thing for a week already. Talk about piling workload! And it's rly great to take a mid-week break!!! ♥♥ Next week I shall go back to school for Orientation Finale night!! OMG looking fwd!!

Liar Game finale is so confusing. Gosh.

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