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Of An Adventure Called TP

Sunday, January 10, 2010 at 4:10 PM

Feeling: Tired
Listening: Lucky - Jason Mraz & Colbie Caillat

Yesterday was half day at work, since it was a Saturday. It was alright and I did everything on my own! -proud- I'm such a fast learner hohoho! I'm beginning to find work okay and I learned that I have to do things at snail pace so I wouldn't be bored!

I was super sian about work and contemplating suicide (just kidding) when suddenly my colleague's phone rang and the ringtone was I Gotta Feeling (Black Eyed Peas) a.k.a my self-proclaimed lucky song!!! So I got damn high and started smiling to myself. HAHAHAHA mad woman. After work I went to the airport with Gina, me to meet Selena and her to meet Tecky.

Me in Selena's geeky black specs. It's for her to act matured at work. HAHAHA what nonsense. It's like exactly the same as Tecky's specs! Shit I forgot to take a pic with him!

Shit damn ugly cannot take it.

This is why I chose contacts.

OH and someone mentioned TP Open House and so Selena and I decided to go. HAHAAHHA super random and spontaneous, I LIKE! So our plan was to pretend we were from Bedok Green or Monfort (the boy's school LOL).

Even though you can't see it, this is taken at TP. LOLOLOL.

Because we were bored and aimless, we decided that we should have a mission.
1) Take photo with stranger
2) Take photo with someone we know
3) Take photo with a cute guy
How typical of us right. HAHAHHAHA.

1) Take photo with a stranger.
This guy brought us to the Business School exhibits, and then we just randomly said Wait! Let's take a photo! LOL and his friend thought we were interested in him. HAHAHAHHAA we're just bored Sec 4 kids waiting for results.

2) Take photo with someone we know.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA. I SMSed Yun "Eh you in school?" cause I knew she'd be there. But CAMILIA?!?! I was damn shocked when she shouted "SHARON TO! What the fuck are you doing here!!!!?!??!!!" HAHAHAHAHA super funny. And she brought us to her shop.

Bonus Task: Take a photo with an animal.
LOL random shit.

Ooooooohya we wanted to go TP Mass Comm but we couldn't find the room! In the end while walking aimlessly we heard a guy (his name's Dom) leading a tour shout "LET's GO TO MASS COMM!!!!!!" So I told Selena "Let's follow!", and so we did! We joined a group with around 4 Sec 4 girls. They were super shy, so when they asked for volunteers, Selena and I volunteered!

This is super fun and cool lah!!!!! We were on air! Teeheee. They asked us questions like, What school are you from? Are you nervous about getting results on Monday?...etc. They were really nice so after the "interview" we told them we're really from MJ and are just really bored.

OH and because Selena's cousin is also in Mass Comm, that Dom dude introduced us to everyone. HAHAHAHA. Apparently her cousin's damn famous in the course! LOL.

At the end of the tour I really regretted not joining Mass Comm since my L1R4 + English grade can totally make it in, and those fun people would be my classmates :< Too late for regrets, LOL.

3) Take photo with a cute guy
HAHAHAHHAHAA that's our tour guide. He's damn funny and we think he has a cute personality, so here you go! In the end she's Cheryl Tang (Sele's friend)'s friend! OMG the world is so small.

And in the end Cheryl's TeoQiyun's friend. Cool shit.

Nothing to do picture.

LOL our benzene ring tattoo. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Anyway at the end of it all I went for dinner with Camilia Ther while Selena went for hers with Cheryl. :> Had a nice time talking with my gf. Haven't really talked to her in ages!

Our food at Aston's. I ordered mashed potato and baked potato and I nearly vomitted. Damn gross after stuffing too much of potatos!

Okay that's all! This is like the first time I properly went out since New Year's eve. HAHAHAAAHHAHAHA pathetic I know.

And I'm damn glad that I'm working together with Gina and Kuanyee! At least something to look forward to other than mundane office work!!

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