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Of Fun and Drunk

Sunday, January 17, 2010 at 11:23 PM

Feeling: Happy!!
Listening: 可惜不是你 - Fish Leong

Yesterday I worked OT!!!! For 2 hours!! $22.50 for 2 hours of OT is good money right? I think so! Teeheeheee. I'm quite happy with work cause I'm constantly busy and therefore time passes ultra quickly!! My colleagues are all mothers! Hahaha so they're all v nice to me! When I cough like mad they offered me lozenges and mint! And that's my shop in the 2nd pic!

♥ Photog4!!
Ohyeah! The other day we met up!! And we took the passport photo thing! We felt so cheated cause it's not v nice and we had only 2 shots, and can choose only 1!!!!! The photo is quite ugly lol but it's now in my wallet hehehhee. ♥

Yesterday I also went for a photoshoot as the photographer to take photos for Kuanyee's friends! I think they're all v pretty and photogenic!! And I had an awesome time with them!! :> So happy! I love taking photos of happy people! I can do this forever!!!!!!

Anyway after the shoot I went to Bedok 85 to find Selena and Blanche! We were supposed to meet at Bugis but since Blanche was at Tampines we decided to meet somewhere near home!

LOL my fail light painting. It's supposed to be a heart but it looks like an icecream cone instead!

Slight fail. And Blanche looks ultra cute!!!!!

Ohoh we went to buy drinks cause they felt like it. In the following pictures we look damn drunk but I swear to the person in the sky that we're not! It's also the second time in my life drinking alcohol (excluding Yomeishu) hahahaha but like no kick cause the percentage super low! And I don't know why but I have this weird ability to look drunk and mad.

HAHHAHAHAHA step yi ge drunk! And see Selena never wear shoes she think her house.

Mad woman went to bring GP notes (Zenith) to fan herself lol wtf.

OMG her face so red I've no idea why she turned so red also!!!!!!!

I like this picture a lot! I think it looks really pretty! Maybe cause cannot see my face HAHAHHA. But nevermind nice smile right. /brows

We just got damn high, not because of alcohol but just because we are high and we heartzzz each other! I really miss them a lot a lot! We sort of have some heart to heart talk hehehahahaaha. And I started singing weird songs and we lied down on the cement floor/ steps. Gosh I miss them sooooooo much!!!! ♥

Okay time to go folks. Bye. Much love.

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Love, Sharon
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