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Of Many Things, As Usual

Sunday, February 07, 2010 at 11:56 PM

Feeling: Normal LOL
Listening: Bad Romance - Lady Gaga

Random Saturday
Last Saturday on 30th Jan I met up with Paul, to go visit Gina at Expo Robinson's, where she was working at! But I didn't take any photo cause I was in the I-Dont-Wanna-Take-Photo mood. HAHAHAH I'm not 24/7 camwhore k!

Orientation 2010 - Odyssey or whatever it is
Went back to school on Wednesday for Orientation, cause we're bored kids who miss school. But Duhduh double duh, obviously not the studying part k.
I'm sooooooo happy that Atlas won first!! Seriously vvvvv happy for Adzizul and everyone. But after that you feel sad because all you can do now is celebrate in your heart since you're no longer part of it anymore. Hahahhaa.


It was kinda fun because at the end we had Mass Dance!!!!!!!! OMG I miss Mass Dance ttm! Jingxiong damn cool he can remember the whole freaking dance k!!!!!! HAHAHA so we just followed his lead. (Y) And I miss everyone! Okay most people at least!!!

Anyway after that Sele Avis and laoniang went to McCafe to chill and talk. Hehehehahahaha heart damn deep deep. Walking to the bus stop from school totally reminds me of studying till 9pm in school days. Bittersweet huh. LOL gross.

Before going for the Orientation I met up with Janson cause he had to pass me Hilsy's Gakken. OMG he gave me one too thank you okay! Botakhead.

Speaking of botaks, so many of my friends enlisted already! I wonder how they're doing in army. I think it's sort of exciting, not meh? But then if I have to go then it'll suck cause when I imagine NS people I imagine them crawling on sticky mud HAHAHAHA I am so gross!!!!!!

Sister's Birthday

Happy Birthday lousy sister I love you!!!!!!!!! I know you love me too don't act cool. ♥

Picnic with Amelia the Pear
Went picnic today with Amelia at some ulu grass place in Pasir Ris. Hahahhaa I love picnic-ing at weird and random grass patches! It's fun and it's relaxing! But after that your legs get damn itchy it's not fun at all!!!!!!

Anyway a lot of picture cause we happy.

Green shit.

Pear running around with the kite. She damn energetic leh. After flying for awhile I just sat on the mat and chillzzzz. She's like a mad bouncy thing.

View of sky through my shades = purplish.


Grossly overexposed.


Ooooo I like this photo! The kite is so pretty right! It's from the other time when Jasmine and I went to fly kite at Buangkok!!

This photo super unglam but CHECK OUT MY HAIR COLOR!!!!!!!! :>

Fav photo of the lot!

Hehe. LG adverts.

Chilling at the side while Amelia the bouncy thing keep flying her kite (and it kept falling).


Thank you girlfriends!!!

HAHAHAHAHAHA my kite with a bow!

Random scooter we saw at the side of the road! :>

Had lotsa fun with Amelia!! But is just itchy only!! Let's go out again soon!!

Going out with my SengKang Our Dear School friends tomorrow!! Excited excited! Shall bring my baby (dslr) along! !!

PS: LOL check out the Labels for this post. Super long.

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Love, Sharon
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