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Of The Long Overdue

Thursday, March 04, 2010 at 1:37 AM

Feeling: Sleepyyyyy
Listening: Bulletproof - Laroux

I haven't blogged for a reallyyyy long time! Did quite a lot of things, accumulated quite a lot of photos. Too lazy to type much, so it's just pictures! A hell lot - 37 - of them!!

Primary School Friends Gathering
Met up with Yuanyuan, Lena and Steph one day after work for dinner at Hougang Mall. Yuanxin is as funny, and Stephanie is so extremely tall. Lena is just as lame too! I kinda miss them! I wonder when's the next 6 Faith gathering gonna be!!!


Check this out! Our EZlink cards!!

Some Dinner with Whole Family ♥
Went to some 联欢会 (gathering) organized by Tampines CC on the 3rd day of CNY. My grandpa's birthday's also on that day, and since he love participating in CC activities, we went there as a family to celebrate his birthday and support his performance!

My ahgong cool? :D

That's me and mum and granny and grandpa! My cute grandparents!! &hearts! I also have a family photo with my mum + sibs but I forgot to edit so I'm not posting it! :D

HAHAHHAHAHA random category in the middle of nowhere.

Pretty leopard pween nails! (again)

Pink nailpolish with glitter tips!

Act cute pic. /brows

Orchid. I ♥ Singapore? LOL.

Steamboat Gathering over at Sarah's!
Went over to Jiejie's house for a steamboat gathering one weekend!! :D:D Miss my classmates like mad!!! Jiejie stays in a church and I took some photos too! I hope it's alright for an atheist like myself to post photos of churches right?! I scared I get sued.

Sharm playing the piano!! She is so damn cool!!!!! Envious!

Chinese word says Bible.

Together with Jiejie's v cute sister!! :D Thanks Sarah for preparing everything!!

Random with Kuanz
Went to the best Ramen place again after work one day, as well as shop at 313!!! Extremely lazy and tired and ended up buying nothing! :|

Check out my ultra big bowl of beef ramen on the right!! Left side is Kuan's prawn ramen! V nice too!!!!! The prawns super fresh! (Y) I finish everything! I'm such a glutton sometimes!

Me, Kuan, and random stranger. :O

Bai Nian at Teri's!
Went to Teri's house on Saturday to bai nian and gamble!! Super fun and I won some money! YAY!!!!! I'm Blackjack Queen!! And thanks to Teri's parents for her house! HAHA. We always trouble her mum when we go over! Auntie xin nian kuai le!!!!

Amelia and Jerome! First time we met Jerome I think he's quite nice! See you again soon! :D

Teri and the good ol' Tang.


Teoheng with Kuan Weijia Song Maple Sele Slow
Enjoyed myself a lot!!! We sang from 3pm to 8pm!!!! OMG after 7pm is damn expensive! But anyways, I had lotsa fun! Let's go again sometime!!!!! ♥

Them dancing to SNSD's Gee! We also danced Abracadabra!! And Sorry Sorry! HAHAHA and we sang Chocolate Love and I Don't Care! And huachi-ed over a lot a lot of Jay Chou's songs!!! ♥

I took a photo with Selena and Blanche too!!! In the end?! Blanche closed her eyes. Win.

OH after that we went to eat shaved ice. SUPER NICE TTM!!!!!! 6 of us ate 5 bowls tgt! So nice I wanna eat again!!! ♥

Kuan's Birthday Celebration
Photos from Hilsy's camera!

Making of Kuan's present at Gina's, on Monday! The board is rly nice right!!!!!!!!! Bottom photo koped from Gina's blog!

We went to Song's house on Tuesday to eat and chill by the poolside! Really nice feeling! :D:D Thanks Song for lending us her condo facilities HAHAHAH.

Act one boyband. HAHAHAHAHA.

We bought sparklers and it was kinda lousy cause DAMN smoky and very fast finish! That's sort of the ONLY light painting we did! So sad!!!! Photo koped from Kuan's fb!

Okay finally finish with the photos!! Just needed to blog these! BYE WORLD.

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