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Of Straw Hats and Floral Dresses

Wednesday, April 28, 2010 at 11:53 PM

Feeling: Tired
Listening: Run Devil Run - SNSD

I can't believe this. I worked for 4 months already!!! I didn't realise that I've been working for so long until I talked to Matthias that day and he was like "WTH still working? Get a life man". What a bitch but how true. I need to take a break, sleep in till 3pm on weekdays and shop during office hours. :| I'm exhausted.

Anyway nice and pretty nails make me feel xingfu. Like everytime I type on the keyboard I'd stare a second more at my nails. HAHAHHAHA I sound so gay right but I'm not alone! Today I asked Weijia and she feels the same too HAHAHAHHA we sound like bimbos.

LOL Benjamin Heng's namecard! He's the dude in the Channel 5 show called Calefare! And he also acted in Together. He's an agent! His voice is like super deep and sexy I tell you!

Went shopping with Wongwong the other day. I can't remember which day cause we keep going shopping every trip is like a freaking blur. When I'm with her I spend money like water. And everytime we say "Let's eat dinner at home", we'd end up eating out cause so hungry you know.

I tried this peterpan collar romper and I'm totally in love with it but bo lui leh. Sianzzzz I think it looks good. I want :<

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA see her face. I told her "YOu can close your eyes. I'm only taking a pic of your dimples" and that's what I got. HAHAHA rtd face max. And that place was deserted when we went. After awhile it started filling up. I swear it's our presence that brought customers lor. We shouldve asked for discount.

Sharon: WAH SEH! My legs look long in this reflection.
Wongsie: Not when I'm around...

Nice shoes. :)

Anyway I think I mentioned this before.. I'm taking part in NDP 2010! HAHAHAHAHA joke. I'm representing the company I work for. What we have to do is march during the parade. The training has been pretty okay but will get a lot tougher when the rehearsals at Padang starts. I'm kinda excited though because I have awesome company! Namely Kuanyee, Songyun, Weijia, Blanche Tan Xiao Xuan, Wongsie, Jianee (Wong's friend who's SO CUTE btw!), Meiyi and Anngee!!

Group photo taken by some NSmen Photographer! LOL please do not try to spot us we all look damn cui.

I rly love my NDP friends!! Jianee is damn cute I tell you! She's v small and smiley! We're gonna go eat steamboat at Roxy Square and prata at IDontKnowWhere after NDP next week! Hahahaha I'm so glad I joined and I can't wait for the money at the end!! Oh and we happen to think this sergeant is DAMN CUTE HAHAHAH we're so hua chi.

Blanche Tan Xiao Xuan you're finally back from Australia. I sort of miss you!! ♥ (Can't believe I'm saying this EEW)

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Love, Sharon
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