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Of Soccer Finals

Saturday, May 22, 2010 at 1:51 AM

Feeling: Tired
Listening: Defying Gravity - Glee

Went to Jalan Besar Stadium on Thursday for the Soccer Finals! MJC vs SAJC!! We won with a score of 2-1! Yay proud of you Meridian!!!!

We wore our uniforms/ PE T-shirt hehe. OMG I miss school I miss my friends and I miss all the cheering and shitz. I miss taking photos for soccer!!!

Photos of my friends:

Sele and I bought matching blue flowers. We gay. HAHAAHAHA.

My OGMs!! They sat behind us and they were soooooo enthu HAHAH super cute!! Miss you guys too!!!!!!


P4 FTW!! ♥ (Pic from Gina!)

We sat near the most enthusiastic fan of Meridian Soccer Boys - The Security Guard Uncle. He was sooooo damnnnnn enthu and high, I was so damn scared of him!! He even swung the pole into Edmund's face HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH. He really is the best.

The match... (some pics were taken with Hilsy's imba camera)

This is literally fly for the ball.

LOL this is why I know we'd win...

Check out the clouds. It's a sign HAHAHAHAH. Just kidding.


Singing of the school song.

And as usual, the most enthu fan of Meridian Soccer Boys:


Anyway, I forgot to mention this.. I nearly fainted at Marching last Saturday!!
We were standing at attention for around 30 minutes, with a 2.2m flag. Everyone was exhausted and apparently I was the most exhausted cause I nearly fainted.

At first all I felt was ache in my upper body. After that I saw purple and green stars forming. I kinda panicked, and tried to move my legs, but it was weak and numb. Then my vision turned white, with some black spots. I felt damn faint and I was so scared. I raised my hands (but according to Kuan I grabbed her), and then the sergeant immediately came to hold me (thank goodness if not I think I'd faint), and brought me to the side to rest. I couldnt see anything at that point in time and Wongsie told me later that I was just looking straight with a blank look in my eyes. Super scary!!!

While I was resting my vision sort of came back, but my hands and feet were super numb and I felt extremely cold. The medics took my temperature and it was only 35.9oC, which is quite low for such a hot day. In the end they sent me on a jeep (?) to the medical centre. LOL I was sooooooo scared!! I now have a phobia for Saturday Marching already. :(

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