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Of The Underwater World

Sunday, June 20, 2010 at 6:57 PM

Feeling: Happy and satisfied
Listening: All I Ever Wanted - Kelly Clarkson

Hi world I'm back from Perhentian!!!! I've selected 30 out of 278 underwater pictures! Hahahaha I photoshopped them a little to bring out the colors cause the camera couldn't exactly capture the colorfulness of the coral reefs. They're damn pretty!!

Photos also include Redang, Marine Park and other snorkelling places around the area! I can't remember where's where!

Feast your eyes on them!!

Me, Blanche, Selena and my Mummy!!

Me in the water hahahahahhaa.

That's Blanche. And look at the vast blue sea behind her. So beautiful. Makes you feel so small in the big big universe.

Boat Trip
We had to sit on the speedboats to get to the different snorkelling destinations. The speedboats are super duper ultra fast and it feels super shiok!!!!!!

There was this part of the sea that was super duper ultra blue!! Very very very nice! The ocean was bluer than the sky! Omg.


Mad fishes scrambling for the bread crumbs that we threw.

Nemo!! Photo is extremely grainy cause I had to zooooom a lot!!!! And I'm sooo soooo glad that the photo is not blur cause there was a slight current and I had to steady my hand in the water. This photo is damn tyco that it turned out fine!!

Big blue fish!

This fish is really common but I have no idea what that is.

SEE!! So many of it. I was so boliao I followed 1 of the fishes around. LOL fishes have such lame lifes man. They just keep swimming around and around. So boring after awhile!!!!

This blue fish has such a pretty color!!

海的儿子 (Sons of the sea) feeding the fishes. 海的儿子 is the nickname I gave to those divers that brought us around. They're super duper pro and sooo cool. My idol!! This 海的儿子 also showed us sword fishes, clownfishes and sharks!! And and some clam shell. SUPER NICE!! Thanks 海的儿子!!!! ♥

Sword fish! Very blur cause they swim damn fast!

Shark!!! But super blur also cause very far hahaha I humji don't dare to go near.

Don't know what fish this is but it's kinda big compared to the rest of the fishes we saw.

I like this photo a lot too cause of the background! Too bad it's so blur! :( It's kinda colorful right! Which brings us to some really colorful and pretty things...

Coral Reefs
Beautiful coral reefs. The corals at Redang are all dead and colorless cause of the amount of tourists I believe. :( But at other places there's really very very pretty corals!! Purple, yellow, pink and orange!!

LOL spoiler black fish.

Saved the best for the last!! Really love the colors!!!

End of photo spam!! I think the photos are really pretty and I really like them. I hope everyone likes them too. Snorkelling's great but I wanna try diving soon!!! And next year I wanna go Langkawi or Tioman!!! :D:D:D

On a totally different note, I got offered a place in NIE. Upon graduation I'd have to be a bonded teacher. I think I'd take up the offer. Let's hope I don't make a wrong choice. Is it normal to feel hesitant when making such a life-changing decision? Tell me I'm normal please.

Bye world!!

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Love, Sharon
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