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Of Army People and Girlfriends

Monday, July 26, 2010 at 3:24 PM

Feeling: BORED, but SUPER HIGH!!!!!!
Listening: Billy Brown - Mika

Once again I'm not gonna blog chronologically cause Photobucket reversed the order of my photos again and I'm too lazy to manually blog! HAHA so I'm just gonna generate HTML and paste it all here.

Of Marching
Oh well I mentioned that I rly dislike marching now but I guess it's alright again!! HAHAHAHA cause I had a really good time the other day taking photos with the army people and playing games like Squeeze Milk (HAHAHAHA) with my CC101!!

First thing that made my day:


Second thing that made my day:

HAHAHAHAHA we super orientation hor. The game was suuuuuper fun and hyper!!!! We went to one corner of the F1 Pit to play cause the game super unglam I have a lot of unglam pics of us playing it HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA.

Photo with the ERA boss LOL which didnt make my day lah cause I dont even know him?

Third thing that made my day: (AND ALL OF THEIR DAY!!)

(Photo by some NDP Photographer)
PHOTO WITH YAMASHITA!!!!!!! HAHAHAA he is so cool!! And his skin is damn nice his dimples damn cool!! Hahahaha that's the Parade RSM Albert Chen he's like a celebrity in us NDP marching people's hearts!!

Fourth thing that made my day:

(Photo from Songsong)
HAHAHAHA finally a photo with W M Chong, our brother-father (self proclaimed by me and Mark)!! HAHAHAAHA I nearly fainted again that day and he saved me!! HAHA for the 3rd time. I weak or weak or weak?

Fifth thing that made my day:

HAHAHAHA Glen our Contingent Commander!! He's rly super super nice and understanding and fatherly!!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA he held my camera for me for awhile and see what is this!! HAHA he super joke.

We asked him to take a photo with us, and we'd all jump together. In the end we were just tricking him HAHA we all stood still while he jumped! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Super funny.

Sixth thing that made my day:

Random group of NCC girls who came to take photos with us!! Hahaha they're so cute.

And a jumpshot together!!!!

HAHAHAHA that day's marching was srsly v fun!!! Enjoyed myself thoroughly ttm! ♥

Of Fazli and Shaun Djie's POC!
Fazli invited Hilsy and I to his POC over at the SCDF Camp at Boonlay!!! BOONLAYYYYY. Somehow I keep on going to the west these few weeks! I think I should pitch a tent over at Boonlay MRT Station!

HI BROS!!!!!!

Faz and his parents!! I think his mum is super cool (and slightly scary)!!

Aiya I dont know what caption to put lah it's just photos!!

After the ceremony there was a reception!! Which I didnt eat cause I was lazy to queue!!

FURNACE!! The inside of the building is like real rooms, but with metal furnitures that spits fire (says Fazli). Super coooool. So the firemen will go in and extinguish the fire.

Oh and suddenly the metal things there just spat fire! Hahahaha it's like a stove (says Hilma)! Super cooooooooool I was so amazed!!!!!!!!!

Camwhore with vehicles:

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA seeing them reminds me of recess during my Meridian life. -sobs sobs- I MISS SCHOOOOOOOOOLLLLLL!!! HAHA gross.

Went over to Loyang Point to eat super delicious and cheap and DELICIOUS zichar!! With the girlfriends except Teri and Eunice! Hehehehahahha the zichar was SOOO good we must bring T and E there nx time!!

See these noob people all using phone!! HAHA what's with the xingfu faces man?!

Here's a Wong photo for all Wong fans out there, which I think is quite a lot cause somehow all my friends know my "tall friend". HAHAHAHAHAHHAAH.

Anyway the tall friend went off early cause she had something on, tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk. So it was left with the 4 of us!

3 here cause Camilia was shitting HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. And check out my hair in this toilet! IT IS SOOOO GOLD!!


Here's a reenactment of how I slept on the train from Boonlay to Tampines when I went to NIE!!

HAHAHAAHHAHHAHAHAHAHA I fell asleep on this auntie's shoulder. Then I woke up, and tried to sleep still, but I ended up on her shoulder again! Repeat 3 times, and I finally woke up to say "I'm so sorry", and she said "Nevermind, very tired is it?" And I nodded, and nod nod nod back to dreamland! HAHAHHAHHHAHA.

WHEN I WOKE UP SHE WAS GONE!!! And beside me was another auntie and I think I slept on her shoulder too!
HAHAHAHA I'm so embarrassing!!

BYE!! I AM SO HIGH!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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