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Of Life and Other Things

Friday, July 23, 2010 at 4:35 PM

Feeling: Bored
Listening: Nothin' On You - B.O.B ft Bruno Mars

Haven't been blogging at all because I've been sooooooo extremely busy!! Have been going out everyday to shop, meet up, shop, catch up, march, and so on. Super busy and sometimes I'm so lazy to step out of my house man.

With mummy the other day in some changing room. We were on our way to watch movie! We watched 9 Temples and srsly it's not scary at all. The only part that scare me was the first few minutes. The rest of the story was so boring and draggy omg. Quality of horror movies dropped like hell. :<

Went over to Blanche's to make Selena's present! We made her a planner. Blanche filled in the dates and I drew and wrote all the various messages from her JC and Sec Sch friends. -proud of myself- I even managed to contact her brother ok!!

Met up with Sele and B the next day to shop and to pass Sele her present. HAHA she's reading the Jasmine Law message page int he above pic!! asdasdasdasd


Picspam of when we were chilling out at some random place in orchard!! St Town HAHA.

Hahahahahaahahahahahaha. See the first photo, Blanche uhm-chio when I made fun of her. LOLOL. Caught on camera.

Marching the other day!! HAHAHAHAHA srsly right we all look the same in our marching gear that nobody know who's who!!
And srsly I'm extremely sick of marching nowadays. But I think I'd miss it once it's over. But for now I'm just super irritated with it. Can't wait to have my Saturdays free.


Snow ice after marching = heaven. It was so bloody hot and humid on that particular Saturday we sweat like super a lot a lot a lot. Snow ice totally perk us up man. New Saturday tradition! The durian one omg. Shiok.

Oh and one day Songsong called me to go watch movie together cause it was Cathay's birthday and they were giving out free movie tickets!!

We went to watch Prince of Persia. Jake Gyllenhaal (so hard to spell) super hot!!!! His blue eyessssss. Omg. And the princess was so pretty. The movie was kinda good with all the actions!!

Hehe Songsi so cute. Hello karaoke gang go sing K soon!!

Went out again the other day with the bimbos for some shopping.

Tried some maxi dress in New Look. I think it looks good!! :D:D But it's super ex and long and not in my size so I didn't buy!

Bought new slippers at Accessorize. HALF PRICE!!!! ♥ I LOVE GSS.

And new wallet, no half price :(

Oh oh we went to watch Despicable Me on that day! With Avis too. It's not SOOOO nice lah! Toy Story 3 is better I feel. OMG I watched a lot of movies! New Moon, 9 Temples, Toy Story, Prince of Persia, Despicable Me!!


Dinner at Thai Express.

Sele introduced this super nice dessert to us! Glutinous rice with mango and coconut milk. OMG super nice I'm craving for it now!!

Mad friends.

Went to NIE/NTU for a briefing the other day. NIE's being converted into a YOG Village. Cool lehhhhhh!!

They were many tents set up with different countries name written at the side!

And there were many signs on the walls! It was so hard navigating around that place!! There was even a Salon! And Travel Agency!

AND BANK!!! Super cool! There was some DBS Atm machine inside, as well as counters (without anyone for now)!! I think super cool leh this YOG thing!


Random, but I love Jurong Point.

It's a Land of Random Nonsense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay what a long post. Next up would be dinner with girlfriends and Faz/Djie's POC (but photos on FB alrdy). And other things that I'd be doing lah. Next week I'm going to the flyer!! :D

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