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Of the NDP Preview

Wednesday, August 04, 2010 at 2:30 AM

Feeling: Extremely hungry :<
Listening: Nothingggg cause it's late already!!

Before the day started we all know it'll be a great one because

1) We were back to the 2nd level of the F1 Pit, which meant AIRCON!!! ♥


GOOOOOD FOOOOOD!!!! The egg tart was SOOOO good. And the chicken wasnt nuanua like the previous times! I actually ate 3! Hehehe good food = good day! It's a sign I tell you.

3) We got our NDP Goodie bags!!

Hehehehahaha. We're such aunties! We followed our marshall Lester to the goodie bags place to collect the goodie bags for our contingent. Why are we so helpful? Because then we'd get to choose the ones we want first!!!!!

Sometimes Blanche is quite cute.

But in the end I didn't get the one I want! Sad or sad. And our shoulders ended up aching like hell the next day after carrying those goodie bags! Mine was my left shoulder cause I carried more on my left.

Sound like I carried damn a lot right? NOPE! Only 6! HAHA 3 on left, 2 on right, and 1 I hugged. Liddat also muscle ache. Weak I know!!!!!

Songsi also damn cute!!

Anyway we were really high cause of the tattoos!!!!!! It was in our goodie bag's FUN BOX. Hahahahhaa patriotic, yes we are!!

Cutesy Song. Don't know why the colors turned out like this though.

Hahahahhaa we san ba girls in the toilet helping each other put tattoos!!

Hahahahhahahahhaa I don't know what Kuanz is doing but we were super excited/ thrilled/ high/ happy!!

See Wongwong is as lame as us!! She put tattoo too! But she summore want to act cool when taking pictures tsk tsk!!!!!!

Kuan(?)'s tank! I had a toy soldier tattoo at the back of my neck tooo!! Which I forgot to scrub off when I bath HAHAHA so it was still there the next day!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Markerjar's tattoo super cute!! Look like she crying/ a cat scratched her!!!!!

See Weijia is like mad!!!


Anyway after putting tattoos at various weird places, we were finally satisfied and went back to our contingent to continue waiting for the evening's preview!!

Hi CC101 I will miss you girls after marching ends!!! :(:( NTU gang let's continue hanging out!! We can go bai nian and visit each other's rooms! Kuan Song Wong can come crash too!!!!

Anyway we just chilled around and talked about weird random nonsense things!

OH AND EAT!!!!!!!! But the food wasn't THAT good so I didn't take photo!!


Sitting at some random place with Kuan cause we like to do random stuff!! More on that later!!

Halfway through some big shot person came, but I was kinda comfortable in my own world so I didn't really know who it was!

All the aunties and uncles just crowded around the guy and took photos but I srsly didn't know who lah!!

After that we had to march all the way to Padang for the evening's NDP Preview. It was supposed to be kinda important cause instead of marching to (screaming) P5 kids, we'd be marching to adults! Hahahahaha the only thing I was afraid of was that I'd faint again.

While waiting...

We saw the Parade RSM Albert Chen aka Yamashita!!!
Spot two starstuck faces in this photo!!

Hmm actually 3 if you count the guy who's shaking hands with Yamashita cause he looked pretty starstruck-ed too! HAHAHAHAHAHA.

And once again another group photo with him! Hahahahahahaha NDP 2010, together as one!! HAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHA.

Two sad girls who didnt manage to get an individual shot with Yamashita!! HAHAHAHAH why my friends so funny. HAHA Markerjar and Wongsie managed to get pics with him! They super haolian after that!!

After that we proceeded with the usual march in, inspection, blah blah, and then the march out. That night was special because we had our city march!! We had to march quite a distance but because I'm a direction idiot, I don't rly know where we marched!!

But I do know that we marched on this flyover, and we saw that thing in the picture above. (What is it called?)

HAHAHAHHAHA and because we were marching on ROADS, with no cars, it felt so weird and unreal!! So Kuanzy and I started saying things like:

"Omg Inception Inception!!"
"Haha Kuan I'm in your dream. I'm the architect!"
*points to the rest*"Yep these are my projections!!"
"HAHAHA soon the buildings will collapse cause you wake up liao"

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA everyone else just ignored us. We really in our own world. HAHAHAHHAHAA.

One photo I tried to tou tou take of us marching but it was so dark and we were moving and it turned out like this!!

Anyway we had to march to this place, I don't know where cause as mentioned, I am a direction idiot, and we just sat there to wait for 20:10, aka 8.10pm, for this One Voice thing, where we recite the pledge together, and then sing the national anthem.

HAHAHAHAHA Glen is a camwhore!! He called me over to help him take the picture!!

Anyway after that we had to go to this Marina Bay Sands shopping place, overlooking the cityscape to take the pledge. It didn't sound so good cause everyone sounded like they're saying their own thing!! Then we sang the national anthem and suddenly...

Fireworks!! See that's a star over there. Supposed to be 5 but ohwell, compact camera, cannot expect too much!!

The fireworks that night was spectacular.

I particularly like this blue one cause it look rly pretty like the universe or some abstract thing LOL.

And this is like stardust!! (LOL at this point I managed to change my ISO so you can't see the ERA flags!)

Shooting stars!

The fireworks was SOOO much that it looked like the entire sky was painted red!! It was rly vvvv pretty!!!! We were all so amazed and awestruck by the fireworks. Anngee said that the fireworks for the preview was only 75%! I can't wait for the 100% on 9th August!!

And a final pretty one to end the fun day, and my extremely long post.

I'd miss marching!!!!!!

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