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Of FOOOD and Zouk

Friday, September 10, 2010 at 11:42 PM

Feeling: Tired
Listening: Fancy Footwork - Chromeo

Note: There's still another new post after this! Stupid blogger screwed things up!!

Hello hello world!!!! I am extremely tired now but my brain is slightly high. :/ :\ :| Just came back from OG outing and dinner over at Woodlands. Omg the west is such a foreign place. Today is the first time I heard the MRT voice thingy say "If you're going to JB, please alight at Marsiling and take the bus blah blah". COOL SHIT!! Hello anyone on to go JB one day?

Book in bag + dry box! I brought my camera to hall! Hopefully I'd start taking photos again soon.

Anyway somehow a lot people ask me how I settle my meals in hall. Omg I think NTU food is all kinda good!!! (And I think I'd read back and totally go "Wah the food damn sian" after a few months)

Photos all taken w iPhone so it might not look THAT good but I'm just too lazy to use my camera? I think I didn't even take photo with Eunice when she came over omg!!!!!

This is Tomyam You Mian from Can 14. It's quite good but slightly salty. But hey it's still not so bad.

And Western food from Can A. OMG the beef is damn good!!!! But the spaghetti sauce sucks. They ran out of the one for tomato. Sad or sad or sad sad sad? <- must say in a very fast rapping manner.

Anyway I love Can 14 food!

Western food is damn gooooood!!!!!!!! OMG I totally feel like eating it now I am so hungry (even though I ate spaghetti + 3 garlic bread + kaya bread for dinner). HUNGRY HUNGRY!! VERY VERY!!!!!!

And in Can 2 there's Chomp Chomp Milkcurd!! Yumzzzz. But I think it's slightly overrated. And the chocolate is not THAT good what. I think the mocha one is nicer. I actually prefer...

Waffles w cookies and cream icecream!!!! It's damn good I ate it like twice in two days yum yum I'm gonna eat it again on Monday!! ♥

At night when I am thirsty I have:

My extremely cool green pitcher!!!!!!!!! Eh I tell you I was damn happy when I bought that thing from the mamashop at Hall 2. (Sia I owe you $3.30) And at night after washing it and filling it with water I WAS SO EXCITED TO DRINK WATER FROM IT HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA. I am so gay.

Best companion at night - Cup noodles. I just bought Nongshim supervalue pack that day! Happy. I think I wanna bring a mini pot to hostel so I can cook maggie mee! Cup noodles like not as shiok.

The birds look cute on the thing right. Taken at Hall 2 when Kuanzy, Maple (they came from NUS), Sia and I went to visit Anngee!!

Anyway sudden change of topic! I went to Zouk the other day for Jash!!! Omg I was having such a baaaadddd headache I nearly died. After 5 sips of alcohol I turned red (as usual) and my head was pounding like mad.

See my face so red!!!!!! But after that I went to find Fazli (he came to crash!!) and his friend Syazana!! They're v fun and we went to the dance floor to dance!! After that my headache went away and I was sober as hell but I was extremely high!

Omg see the amount of people on the dance floor. I didn't get inside cause I don't really like squeezing and crowds, so I just danced at the side. I think I actually like clubbing omg confession confession. But I won't keep going lah, too leh chey already.

Anyway the night ended at around 2am for us. Alright I guess it was quite a good first clubbing experience for me!!

Hahahhahahaha I'm gonna join the NTU Food Club. Bye.

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