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Of Hall Life II

Monday, September 06, 2010 at 7:19 PM

Feeling: Nuaaaaaa
Listening: Someone's Shared Playlist

Note: Supposed to post this on Tuesday, but there were some problems!!

Had my first two lectures, Physical Chemistry and Limits/Functions yesterday!! I kinda like the Maths lecture... Maybe it's cause the Professor printed the notes for us!! The lecture's all v weird and exciting and I feel like I'm in JC all over again! I made a few new friends!! Happpyyyyyy.

After the lecture I went to meet Xiurong since she's working in NTU for some event !!!! We had lunch and chilled in my room! Hehehehahaha it feels damn good to see her cause I haven't seen her since forever!!!!

Xiurong left like super soon. Not fun one! Hehehaha so I stayed in my room to decorate! I printed 62 photos pro or not :D Oh and I realise that there's 2 photos the photo shop never give me leh! Tskkkkkk.

Hehehehahahaha I like it quite a lot!! Lotsa camwhore photos, narcissistic I know. (And I still love my bed/bedsheet it looks so cosy!?!!!)

And here's the row of non-camwhore photos on my desk!! :D:D I like the photos quite a lot!!

Today I had only 1 lecture at 8.30am so I am damn free. Eunice is coming to find me later I am so excited!!!! I feel extremely accomplished! I collected my matric card (which I look ugly in), collected my NIE laptop, printed my notes, all 100 over pages of it, and after this entry I'm gonna sort them out!! Later I'm going Jurong Point to buy neccessities and fetch Neh!!


Boliao at night hehehahaha. Webcamming with Teri is quite funny cause her expressions are damn weird. And I love being alone in the room!!

Tonight I'm (finally) going clubbing!! There's some Combined Hall Event over at Zouk. I think it'd be damn crowded -_- but nevermind lah I shall go see see look look. I have 8.30am to 6.30pm lessons tomorrow!! (With some breaks in between of course) I'm gonna dieeeeee.

Anyway good luck to you poly humans having exams!! ♥ Meet up soon!!

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