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Of the New Year

Monday, January 17, 2011 at 2:13 PM

Feeling: Sleepy
Listening: Nothing

Hahahahahahha these photos are all overdue by more than 2 weeks. Yes yes I am damn pro yes girlfriends I very lag.

Anyway my New Year celebration's divided into 2 parts, one NYE with J, and New Year's Day itself w my girlfriends and their boyfriends! :)

Our initial plan was to go fly kite at East Coast Park - we wanted to fly kite on Christmas but we didn't cause it was raining. On New Year's eve the same thing happened and we postponed it again to don't know when!! :<

In the end we just nua and ate a super filling sumptuous satisfactory dinner at Lagoon!! Hahahaha I can never get sick of stingray and orh lua!!!! ♥

And J brought two light sticks! Hehehe I love those stuff I have a lot of the used ones now hanging on my board, each with a different meaning! :)


Looks like I'm holding something hot and cold! HAHAHAAAH!


T_T face and cyclops!! HAHAHAHAHA we damn high.

Failed attempts to draw ♥!!

Anyway we had a really great time making resolutions for ourselves and for us, even though we survived on only a tumbler of water + 2 cans of green tea for the whole night for our "picnic"!!! Hehehahahaha we pro.

Reached home at around 3am, slept, woke up in the afternoon to meet my girlfriends for steamboat!!!!!

Met my cool Nehneh (HAHAHAAHAHAHA) first to do some grocery shopping!! The rest of my girlfriends are so lazy tsk!!!

Obligatory photo with a trolley at NTUC!

My boyf came to help us carry the stuff!!! ♥

We bought so much icecream! See told you all one tub enough liao... And we very act atas we bought strawberries for fun HAHAHAHAH.

Anyway photos from this point onwards were all taken w J's baby! Don't know who take one also like random one. Mostly taken by him!

Jimama's Duffy and Shelliemay! So prettayeee!!

Anyway we (Teri Eunice me Kenneth J. Must specify properly HAHA THE REST WERE LATE TSKK!!!) had to prepare the food and ohwell it's kinda fun I washed the vegetables. Hahahahhaha still don't know how I'm gonna be a housewife when I hate washing of any kind.

Don't know who I think J washing the corn!! In the end also like never eat.

Hahahahhahaa Kenneth Teri J and I preparing food!! Cute hor this picture!!

See Xiurong Camilia Amelia, we so busy!!!! Ryan also got help lor!!!!

Setting up the steamboat thingy!!

Waiting for the soup to boil..

Still waiting... see everyone's face so serious HAHA like joke.

Anyway no photos of food or eating cause when eating cannot take photos if not later indigestion!! But anyway I had lotsa fun talking nonsense w everyone!! :)

After dinner was icecream! See Ryan face at the side is like tam jiak HHAHAHAHA!

Ryan trying to put strawberries on the cups HAHAHHAHAHA he's so cute! Check out Teri and Xiurong's faces.

The 老 hat couple. They just keep wearing hat I feel so hot for their head LOL.

Nehneh and Andy!!!

In the end we just do what we do best - nua. Some sang KTV some played mahjong. OMG it's a typical auntie gathering, no? Shit we all so old.


Pear and J singing a duet!
Oh you see Kenneth like a deadman_tombstone x_X sitting there like very bored right? But actually he got sing also! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH we sang Nan quan mama omg those were the days! Hello best fwen HAHAHAHAHAHHA.

Lao couple + Neh + Camilia playing mahjong!!

Anyway overall is I had fun!!!! Thanks to Jimama for lending us her territory! Let's do this every year!

One last group photo to end the day! J's not inside cause he took the pic! Awww.

16 days late but, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!

And I've been soooo busy, overwhelmed with school work and hall stuff.. This semester is slightly crazy, and Number Theory is SOOO hard. Le sigh!! For hall, we're gonna have our first event on 28th Jan, and it's now the preparation period. :( On 21st Jan we're gonna have our dry run omg I'm gonna cycle from ECP to Boonlay X_X I'm rly gonna become a deadman_tombstone HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA shit I damn childish I ownself say ownself high ok bye.

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