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Of My Valentine

Monday, February 14, 2011 at 9:26 PM

Feeling: Sick and lethargic
Listening: -

I'm feeling so sick and miserable and I'm emo-ing in my room alone boohooo. Happy Valentine's Day all! My friend told me to spread the love not the germs HAHAHHAHHHA. So I shall blog about something happy, like Valentine's Day! (If I wait till I finish all my pending entries then blog I think next year already)

On the 11th February (shit I forgot how to spell) my baby and I went to The Screening Room for our Valentine's Day dinner!!!! Fine dining HAHAHAHHAA.


This is me ignoring him and whatsapping my girlfriends. HAHAHA this whatsapp group chat is damn addictive and it sucks my social life away. HAHHAHAHAHHAHA!

The flower on the table very nice hor? So...

Just take out and camwhore only. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA.
On the right is me staring at the waiter. The waiter was like super nervous he kept on putting the forks and spoons at the wrong places. We just told him "It's okay, we wouldnt know the difference anyway" HAHAHAHHAA.


Oyster Shooter with bloody mary and wakame
Spot something wrong with this picture! Bet you can't spot! Highlight the black strip below to see the answer HAHA my blog so interactive hor? In my own world leh.
Answer: Actually we ate the oyster already HAHAHAH forgot to take photo before eating.

Hers: Tuna tartare with squid-fennel salad
Super nice!!!!! But got super strong garlic taste but SUPER NICE!!!!!

His: Carpaccio of hokkaido scallop with prawn citrus salsa
The scallop was soooooo yummy!! Too bad I can't eat prawns!! :(:(

Duo of red and yellow pepper soup with labne
This one also damn nice but damn little!! HAHA zhen bu kui shi fine dining!! We were saying "Omg the bowl so big the soup so little no wonder the table so big also!" But it's damn yummy if it's free flow right they can close the kitchen down cause I'd drink the whole pot.

At this point in time we realised that we're super gluttons we eat TOO FAST!!!! Spend so much on the dinner must eat slower enjoy the ambiance and at least breathe more of the restaurant air (HAHAHA this one I say one) so we ate super slowly for our main course!

OH and also, they took damn long to serve the next dish! I think we eat too fast they couldn't keep up!! :P

Hers: Baked red mullet with thyme, warm Egyptian broad beans and rocket leaves
HAHAHAHHA I'm super un-atas. The beans were DAMN GOOD (I don't eat beans), so good that I ate quite a lot of it! So I told J "WAH the beans damn good taste like indian curry!" Then when I look at the menu I realised that it's EGYPTIAN and not INDIAN!! Hehehehhee but it's very delicious also! But actually I prefer his!

His: Braised oxtail parcel with porcini mushrooms, wilted spinach with pot jus
Don't know what's pot jus! But OMG we ate OXTAIL!!!! It's damn damn nice!! But J also damn un-atas one he calls it POPIAH?! HAHAHAHAHAHAH!

Dark chocolate torte with vanilla icecream
All the food sounds so nice but this is the most delicious cause I LOVE DESSERTS!!!! Hehehehhee super super nice. Actually this photo if you see carefully the dessert was also eaten halfway HAHA cause we tucked in immediately!!

HAPPY ME!!!!!!!

Happy Valentine's Day baby!!! ♥ ♥

On Sunday, 13th February we were supposed to have Part II of our celebration at Bedok 85! HAHAHHAA after eating atas food must eat some hawker food!! But I was having a really bad cough (therefore I'm feeling miserable now), so we postponed. :'( I'M DAMN SAD STILL DAMN SAD. My Bedok 85!!!!!!!~~

Green tea soy latte and Green tea frappe?

We ended up watching How I Met Your Mother and Big Bang Theory in hall! Hahaha our weekly staple!!!! So happy that they ended their super long break!!!!!

And I made him a card! Super nice right sigh I'm so talented HAHAHAHHHA I'M DAMN PROUD OF IT I THINK DAMN NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay so 14th Feb (what a long post..) I'm sick and miserable and I had to wake up for school. But I got chocolates from my coursemates!! :)

This is from Melissa! The rose so nice right!! Super sweeeet of her!! (BUT I CANT EAT THE CHOCOLATES T_T) Also received chocolates from several other people but I didn't take photo! I hate it when people give me chocolates and I have nothing to give back! Once again I made the mistake I made in J1!!! AHHHHHH. Nvm 3 more years.

From Markerjar!! And she's so sweeet she whatsapp me to ask if I need cough syrup she help me buy. ♥♥ So touched.

Super cute balloons, one for me and one for Blanche, from Jinhui, our OG friend!! Also got chocolates from Andrina and candies from Vyerern!! (I think I never mention them in my blog before!!)

Anyway Xiuwen whatsapped me in the evening to ask for my room number cause she say she wanted to borrow notes! So I just gave her without thinking much. And at the same time I was practicing with Weikang for tomorrow's hall event (we're performing again! I having such a bad sorethroat I hope everything will turn out fine!!!) so my door was wide open. Then all of a sudden I told Weikang "EH I go wash face, v oily". So I walked out to my room HAHA random and Xiuwen suddenly jumped out!! HAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHA.

She shouted Happy Valentine's Day!!!!! And "It wasnt supposed to be like this!!!!!!" HAHAHAHHAAH! Don't know what it was supposed to be (haven't talk to her shall ask her tomorrow) but I think cause my door was open her plan failed! And also I suddenly walk out so she hurry hide and impromptu shout Happy Valentine's Day! HAHAHAHA ♥♥ And the pink balloon's from her!! Hehe thanks babe!! ♥

BUT!!!!! What was even more surprising was when she handed me this!

And she say "Nah from J!" at first I thought she kidding only but she say NONO REALLY!!

HEHEHE my Get-Well-Sun Flower!!! ♥♥ Totally didn't expect!!!! Do you get the pun?!?!!! I didn't get also!!!! My boyfriend is so lame?

"Sun" supposed to be "soon" in Chinese hanyupinyin. So it's Get-Well-Soon! OMG.


HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH but I'm a very happy girl!! Happy Valentine's Day all!!!!!! ♥

PS: I MISS MY BROTHER!!!!!! :(:( He enlisted on 9th Feb!! AH DI!!!!!!~~~ When he reply my SMS I damn happy!! OMG really salute those couples whose boyfriends are in NS. Happy Vday!!

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