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Of My Brobro's Enlistment

Friday, March 04, 2011 at 8:05 PM

Feeling: Nua and Sian and DYING
Listening: Nothing


(HAHAHHAHA sounds like translated to "Eunice got boobs")

okay anyway back to the topic. My brother's enlistment! He enlisted on 9th February! It's gonna be a month soon! So fast!

At Pasir Ris waiting for the bus! We kept asking if he was nervous and he said that he got no feeling. PROUD MUCH?

On the bus. Made the photo black and white to make it emo HAHAHAHAHA. But he wasnt emo at all he was sleeping?

Ferry terminal!

We boarded the ferry and I was feeling so excited/scared for him! But once again he say no feeling. Since he's like super sporty and fit, then okay lor he win lor. I'm a weak person who don't play sports so I scared. <- that's what my family says. They damn bad.


We were like woo-ing and wah-ing at everything when all of a sudden they separated the enlistees and family. WAHHHHH so fast?!

Can see the boys (HAHA must say boys cause army is where boys become MEN!) like a bit scared at this point. I guess it's cause it's so sudden! Like suddenly separate!

We took a bus to my brother's school. Hmmm. I was quite emo on the bus HAHA and I felt like crying!!!

We had a tour around the school, and some talk. Didn't take photos cause my mama took! She's like a kiasu auntie!

Bus again.

We were brought to this place to eat and do nothing, then again to this auditorium.

HAHA when we entered the audi we saw all the enlistees sitting upright on the chair. SO CUTE!!!! They all look super lost like lambs. Awww. No photo cause my mum is lag.

Blah blah blah, met up w my brother again!!!!!

♥ GOR GOR!!!!!

Ate the food there. Not nice.

HAHAHAHA see my eyes like a bit swollen cause in the auditorium I cried a bit!! My mama too! Like seeing them going to enlist is so sad and emo!!

And finally they were called to all queue up. AWWW MY BROTHER!! At this point everyone was like super emo and teary.

My bro like last minute then wave at us. Awww. Seeing them leave is so sad! :(

On the ferry + bus back everyone was just silent and like damn emo. Like worried!!

BUT ANYWAY he's fine!! He's a sporty boy and he's not scared of physical activities so okay lor. I SMS him every night then I'd tell him we love him, just in case he emo, and he told me "WAH love here love there damn irritating". HAHAHAHAHAH OKAY YOU PRO OKAY BRIAN!!!!!!

Make me so worried. I was telling J that I'm damn scared and he thinks I'm damn lame. HAHAHAHAHHAAH whatever lah I know every men in Singapore has to go through this and it's no big deal but it's different when it's my brother!!!!!!

Okay that's all. I hate school.


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