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Of Various

Saturday, March 12, 2011 at 3:36 PM

Feeling: Tired and nua
Listening: Words I Couldn't Say - Leighton Meester

Holala world!! I'm feeling so nua and lethargic and I really don't feel like doing anything constructive at all. Yawn.. I am so not looking forward to March/April! It signifies the deadline for various assignments and projects, as well as my exams!! OHMANNNN. :( Doesnt help that I'm gonna be extremely busy this coming week!

Grass hair. :( Sorry Kenneth I will stop laughing at you HAHAHAHAHAHA.

Good thing about longer hair is that you can do this kind of things. Somehow it's just not so nice with shorter hair? HAHA say until like I cut a lot. Actually v little.

Anyway the other day I organized a steamboat outing with my girlfriends at Roxy Square Steamboat!

See see I cut my hair!!

Adults. (I mean Xr and Roy. Robert is obviously not adult? LOLOLOL)

And Teri was so sick but she still came and ate ban mian!! ♥ ♥ So glad she's fine now! I was also having sorethroat for the past MONTH. This virus is really too much.


Anyway after eating we just went to East Coast Park to chill for a bit!!

And then TOTO open we all started checking HAHAHA damn auntie/uncle! Before that I was sharing all my wishes and dreams for if I win TOTO. Just never win. :(

WHEN WILL I WIN!!!!!! I will do so many things!

Anyway the nx time we met each other was Neh's birthday!! Love outings w my girlfriends! Going shopping next w Teri and Neh! Can't wait!!

Oh and on another random Friday (everything happen on Fridays I totally lost track of which), J and I went to ThaiExpress for dinner! Srsly the queue during dinner time is all crazy and I hate queueing!

Hehe ♥

Nothing much to say I just always enjoy myself!

And he always take this kind of weird photos of me!!!!! Still got those like damn unglam ones like "HUH?" *snap* "EH! Dont take leh" *snap* "WAHLAU sure damn ugly" *snap* "Okay lah smile" *snap, but picture turns out blurry*


So must purposely post photo of him adjusting his hair! Sigh so hiao. I also never always comb my hair already lor..

HAHAHAHA inside joke. The story is... when I was in secondary school I couldnt stop combing my hair! I was just damn paranoid about my hair getting messy / fly away/ my bangs got hole. HAHAHHAHHAHA okay there I said it. Everyone can stop blackmailing me.

But of course I'd be scared when my hair was like this:


Thanks to Teri for the photo! She was sorting out photos for her new harddisk and kept showing me old old photos from Sec sch! HAHA all damn ugly!! I should do a new Then-and-Now post soon! Check out the old one here!

To redeem myself, must post a nicer looking photo of myself HHAHHAHAA.


HAHAHAHAHHA -zi high- not exactly nicer but obviously better when compared with the previous photo. ANYTHING is better when compared to that lor!

Anyway, I'm sick of my hair color and I need a changeeeeeeee. I can't decide what color to dye next. :(

Current. Red.
Black. Green!

I don't know!!!!!!!!!!

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