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Of Food and Tweety

Saturday, April 23, 2011 at 4:28 PM

Feeling: Lethargic and lazy
Listening: All By Myself - Charice (Glee)

Hi world!!!! Me so bored I don't feel like studying at all. -___- That explains the amount of entries oops.

Last week I stayed in hall over the weekends to study! It was really emo and sad I don't know how people do it. Luckily J came over to accompany me!! Hehehe at 1pm when it was raining outside and I was sleeping he called me and ask if I'd like breakfast. I said okay!

And he appeared at my door with yummy delicious hot breakfast!!!! He cooked it in the pantry!! All while I was sleeping! He brought/bought pots and plates and utensils and ingredients!!! ♥♥♥

To all those girls who say I spoil market cause I cooked steak for him, now you can ASK YOUR BOYFRIENDS TO MAKE YOU BREAKFAST! WAHAHAHHAHAHAHA. *hinthintYiruihinthint*

Happy me!!!!!!! But just woke up my eyes look so swollen. And dark circles.. Really cannot sleep at 6am leh.

And there was teabreak! Egg bread + sausage + black pepper cheeeeese!!

And supper!! Maggie goreng and sausages!! Hehehehhee. That's for the two of us not I eat myself lah k!

Hehehehhee ♥♥ Love you @joeychentj!!

Ohyeah forgot to post the other day..

My braids!!! :D Nice right nice right!! But my rubberband damn ugly I should buy brown one!!

My tweety has braids toooo!!!!! And split ends HAHAHAHHAHA.

HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHHA cute hor. My precious toy.

HAHAHAHAHA I tied the bear and tweety together cause I'm not a soft toy person and I don't want them to be all around my bed. HAHAHAHHAHAA I'm such a boy. But I love them both a lot cause they're both v meaningful ok!!!! ♥

Okay time to start studying?

AIYA THINK OF MOVING BACK HOME JIU SIAN. So many things to pack. Dusty. :(

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