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Of Bombers

Saturday, May 28, 2011 at 3:10 AM

Feeling: Bored
Listening: For The First Time - The Script

Went out w Selena after our exams a few weeks ago! I'm pretty sad I haven't been hanging out with anyone much since NTU ended their exams soooo late!! So far I went out only w Selena and Kuanzy for shopping and Faz&Dean for supper! OMG I'm wasting precious time!!!!!

Everything somehow looks better in B&W!!

Lunch was at Billy Bombers! I love the decoration! Really prettyyyy!!!


B&W is nice right? Hahahaha! The reason for the series of black and white pictures is because... okay shall reveal at the end of the entry!

HELLO SAU WAN!!!!!! After 3.5 years of knowing her I still can't spell her Chinese name hehe.

HELLO MYSELF!! :) Love my dress!! But it's super big I safety pinned it like mad!!

B&W makes my eyes look nicer too!

HAHAHAHAHA anyway, somehow you just can't black&white it for FOOD. Unless..

You add like random captions!!!!!!! HAHAHAHHAHAHA!!

Shit I'm SOOO hungry!!!!!! And omg I don't know why the ANTS are sooo attracted to my cup of PLAIN WATER. Hello go somewhere and drink some random sweet drink don't attack my water leh.

Anyway the only non-B&W photo!!


Okay fast forward like 2 weeks!!

J and I went Billy Bombers for pasta today!! Hahahaha candid shot of him! NICE? :D♥~

We went Bugis St to walk walk and he bought a $5 watch for me that looks similar to the watch I got him for his birthday!!

HAHAHAHHA OUR FAKE COUPLE WATCH!!! The two watches look alike right! The strap is like the same! From far + blur blur is like the same pls! Like for example...


Happy me!

Anyway the reason for this B&W entry is...

Dianna Agron with short hair!! In B&W!!!!! SERIOUSLY!!! How can anyone be so hot?!?!?!!! OMGGG ♥♥♥♥

But the last episode of Glee was so boring.

Anyway I just completed a whole season of Pretty Little Liars and it's such a great and intriguing show!! Nice nice! I recommend it to everyone! Now searching for a new show to watch. Any suggestions?

Lastly, hello hello Sele and Blanche and all my friends ask me out soon!!! Miss everyone!


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