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Of My Holidays II

Wednesday, May 11, 2011 at 7:05 PM

Feeling: Kinda bored
Listening: Jar of Hearts - Lea Michele (Glee)

For the lack of a better title. Haha. Post divided into 3 parts! :)

Lunch w J + NSP Rally
After 5 months of J working at RBS, I finally went to meet him for lunch!!!! WAHAHHAAHAHAHA such a great girlfriend I am! :P :P

CBD CBD CBD!! LOL sounds like vulgarity hor?

See I go lunch with him he so happy WAHAHAHAHAH. ♥ ♥

We went to this very nice tomyam place to have lunch. But because his girlfriend me is a noob, I ate something that's un-spicy.

鱼片米粉!!! :) It's super nice!

And his tomyam maggie mian! HAHAHAH who eats maggie mian for lunch right?! V expensive summore!

Anyway after that I went to shop shop while he went back to work!! And I bought a super nice maxi dress and a really nice retro looking shorts! Can't wait to wear it out and take tons of pictures!!! Mega excited!! BABY WHEN ARE WE GOING PICNIC HUH? Pls bring your camera along. :P :P Oops that's the camwhore in me speaking.

(Don't know I high what also LOL)

At night we wanted to watch NSP rally, but we were very nua and my legs were sore from shopping, plus it rained so the field muddy, so we went to catch a movie! Hahahahah but after the movie we still went to the rally CAUSE WE GIAN.

He excited to see Nicole Seah hahahaha.

Some ardent fan waving the NSP flag. I bought one tooooo!!! So happy!!


The rally was much fun, and I was really glad to be surrounded by opposition supporters. HAHAHA I'm pro-opposition! (But that doesn't mean I'm anti-PAP per se. It depends on what policy you're talking about)

And the atmosphere was gooood! When Nicole went up on stage everyone was cheering like mad! Hahaha she's really an overnight sensation!! But she spoke for 10 minutes only! :(

HAHAHAHAHA I very high.

Fast & Furious 5
J's a huge fan of cars, so of course must watch Fast & Furious 5! HAHAHAHA in the afternoon Teri and I were whatsapping and I found out that she too was going to watch Fast 5, and the tickets she booked was 2 seats infront of ours! Hehe so coincidental!


HAHAHAH this photo looks familiar like I always have this pose one.

Love you!

Anyway after the movie Teri & Kenneth and J & me went for supper! Okay actually only me and J ate! I ate maggie goreng + half a prata, J ate 1.5 prata! HAHAHA!


Anyway if you noticed, this whole post is (almost) all in black & white!! HAHAHAA but I very childish and boliao, the two pictures below must be in color!

Why you all must couple wear ah? HEHEHEHAHHAHAH!!!!!

Random Sunday
I love random Sundays! :)

Found this in my camera. Hahahha! I think I took it myself accidentally?


LOL candid shot! He just won't let me eat in peace one leh!!!

Oh we went to Tea Dot to chill! WAH the matcha frappe is damn gooooood! I'm craving for it this minute!!

Oh I was taking a photo of the matcha frappe and J's face happened to be reflected on his laptop monitor. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHHA. Why you so happy? ♥

OKAY that's all gtg bye!!!!! :)

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Love, Sharon
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