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Of School

Thursday, October 13, 2011 at 10:58 PM

Feeling: Happy
Listening: Crickets

I haven't blogged since forever! And well, I guess it's time for an update of my life, of what has happened in this past 2 months of hiatus.

I've been really extremely busy with school!!!

Photos koped off Facebook cause I'm too lazy to even upload anything.

First thing, the other day I attended my hall's DnD! The theme was "A Lot Like Fame", so my friends and I decided to dress up as famous people! So I dressed as... BARBARELLA. HAHAHAHHAA what the shit. I am a joke.

Cannon as Man In Black 1, Shiwei as Photographer (w/o camera LOL), Michael as Harry Potter, Yaofeng as King of Gamblers, Soon as Superman, Edwin as Man in Black 2.

HAHAHHAA I had a lot of fun surprisingly! Much more fun than the DnD last year, partially because last year I spent half the time being scared, and the other half the time preparing for my performance. :(

Second thing, I did a fantastic AED201 Presentation with the question "What It Means To Be a Teacher", and I think my group did great! I had a lot a lot of fun with my group and it's kinda the first time I experienced how fun a project can be. Seriously the previous groups I was in were all.. not the most enthusiastic people around.

(Photos all koped from Xiu and Wanxin's profile hehe)

My group, consisting of Xiu, Wanxin, Ragu and Gadis! You will know why we're wearing weird clothes later!

Anyway project in NIE is like this.. we are given like around 100 minutes to create a lesson which consists of presentation by the presenting group, followed by discussion for the "students" in class, and then we gotta wrap up. Kinda like a mini "Workshop" with a lesson objective. We gotta write our lesson plan and provide the lesson materials.

Presentation Day!! That's the vanguard sheet our class wrote on for their discussion.

Celebratory lunch at Kushinbo!!!

And this video is the reason for our weird dressing!!

(I can't dance)

I'm actually pretty proud of the video cause I was the editor! Wahahahhaa. J was the cameraman yay! <3 I kinda think I did a pretty good job editing and syncing the music with the steps. :D

Third, BIG thing happened to me in school! I kinda can't believe it actually...

I actually joined the school club's Exco. Serious.

HAHAAHAHHAA seriously I kinda can't believe myself cause I'm not the type who'd join this kinda things. But the president approached me a few times and in the end I relented. My post in the club is the IT & Media Officer, and I'm in charge of maintaining the website, as well as take photos, both of which are what I like doing, so why not? I get to earn 9 CCA points in the process and get hall next year! :D

Photo I took of the Exco (with the help of a girl of course) on the day of the investiture.

Investiture! :D
(Photo credits to Weiliang)

Oh, and I also took the Exco photos! The lighting in the LT was surprisingly good!

Hehe I like this pic! Taken with the help of the Welfare Officer, Cheryl.

I'm still quite happy with the opportunities I have so far. I'm actually pretty excited to take photos once again! Haven't been shooting at all since... the end of the soccer season in J2? Hahaha but the sucky thing is, I feel so handicapped without the equipments from Photog. Can't borrow telephoto lens when I want. And I'm really sad that I didn't pay attention during the 'External Flash course' during photog camp! Now I wanna buy an external flash but don't know how to use?!!!!

Oh no.

But it's okay, I'm still looking forward to shooting!
Oh and I had this grand idea of revamping the website. Total regret. Gosh now I don't know how much time I'm gonna spend coding the website and installing a content management system for it. Why I anyhow think of such ideas.

Hehehheeh finally..

Happy 11 months! :)


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