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Of My 21st Birthday

Sunday, June 03, 2012 at 3:25 AM

Feeling: Happy!
Listening: My cute family's chattering

Finally here to update about my 21st birthday!!!! Finally striking something off my holiday to-do list!! If I don't update still I'd probably forget what happened!

My 21st Birthday was a really simple affair with no party, because 1) I don't rly like parties, I'm scared my friends will be bored and 2) No money and 3) My birthday fell on CNY Day 1! Also because my birthday's in January and I haven't been to any parties yet so I didn't have any idea how a birthday party is supposed to be like!! So what I did was just meet up with various groups of friends for a simple meal. :D

In chronological order!

18th January - Photog 4
Theme: Retro

My cute beloved Photog 4!!!!

Anyway, we went to our usual eating hangout, Magic Wok!! The food there is fab as usual and they treated me to dinner!! Hahahaha I love setting themes and they all tried adhering HAHAHAA so cute!

Then we went to this zichar place that has a super cool swinging wooden chair to camwhore!!!!! ♥ ♥ Super love this laughing photo! HAHAHAHA we kept saying "LAUGH LAUGH!! FASTER!!" so that the photo will look like we're laughing naturally! In the end we just LOL.

And this funny face!! HAHAHAHAHA we waited damn long for the timer!!

Anyway my P4 super cute because Kuanzy didn't bring my present and promised that she'd pass it to me some other time! And so on that random day, we just camwhored non-stop at my house voiddeck! Here's one photo!

♥ ♥ We just ultra keesiao, playing w umbrellas and ignoring passers-by!

Here's the uber cute board which they made for me!!!!!!!!! Love you girls!! Hehehe and I love the presents, especially the NUDE clutch!! I love earthy colors omg.
And I miss you girls!!!!!!! The other day I met with Photog1 aka Kuanzy, plus me only Photog 2 in Singapore. :(

20th January & 27th January - BBFs
Theme: Rainbow!

On 20th Jan, a Friday, I woke up late for school and missed the morning lecture! I was vv tired and was even late for my Math tutorial! After my tutorial Xiu suddenly shouted "HAPPY BIRTHDAY PADILLA!!!" and presented me with a huuuuuuuge Charles & Keith plastic bag!!

It was the bag that I wanted to buy when we went shopping a few days back, and I didn't expect them to get it for me. Plus because I was late that day, they didn't have any trouble hiding the surprise / huge C&K plastic bag! HAHAHAHAHA.

After that was the weekend, and then CNY, so that was it! Until...

Hahahaa on 27th Jan, Xiu drove to school so she came to pick Wanxin and I up at some station. Wanxin was carrying this balloon and I didn't even notice it! HAHAHA until she suddenly told me "Nah, happy birthday!! It's for your birthday!!" Heheh so cute right! It's the first balloon I've ever received!!

And that's Wanxin, me and Yippyfang in the backseat of the car, heading to Teoheng for KTV!!

With Xinmama! ♥ I love my mint agneselle dress!

After that we went to Geylang for dinner!! See here's a photo of our rainbow theme, together with Eddie's color which is black! Thank you guys for the bag!! ♥

23rd January - Actual Birthday!
Theme: CNY?? Hahahaha

And my birthday fell on the first day of Chinese New Year!! In the morning I just went visiting as usual!!

In the evening J came over to my house to pass me my birthday present. Wasn't expecting any big surprise, and I was soooo wrong!!

Tell me, is this a surprise??!!
He bought me 20 birthday presents, with the 21st being himself!! HAHAHAHA, cheesy leh!! I super super love the presents, especially :
#3 My current floral wallet which received lotsa compliments
#4/5 Scrapbooking materials!!! Mega love!! I now have a Paper Market discount card!!
#7 Cute moustache bag that I use to put chapalang stuff
#9 Red MacBook case (not pictured cause I look weird)
#10 Incanto Dream!!! I was thinking of buying it since forever AND I didn't tell J, but he just got it!! ♥
#14/15 OPI!
#17 Moustache necklace which I wore to BKK!
#18 VINTAGE MINOLTA that he got off Ebay!

Okay I really didn't expect to list almost everything but I really love them! And present #19 was this notepad thingy which he wrote on 365 pages... detailing everything that happened on the past 365 day, including days when it was sweet, nice, or when we quarrelled, etc. I was supposed to read them a page a day, but I kinda play cheat and read quite far already HAHAHHAA.

And lastly, present #20...

...REDUCED ME TO A PUDDLE OF SHARON!! See my puffy swollen eyes!
If you can see in the collage above at the bottom most right, I was holding a La Bi Xiao Xin thumbdrive! So I was supposed to open the thumbdrive and in it was a Birthday Video! He actually asked my Secondary School friends, JC friends, Uni friends, Hall friends, cousins and family members to pen something down for me! It was soooooo sweet I cried like mad!!

♥ I super love you darling boy!!!

Okay and at night, I went over to my mummy's house for steamboat reunion dinner!! And also to cut cake!! HOORAY!!!

Happy Birthday to me!!!! Eh my skin looks good here! HAH!

My meimei looks really sweet here!! Hehehe ♥ I love you stubborn sis.
And if you see carefully, the cake says Gong Xi Fa Cai HAHAHAHAHA.

Obligatory make-wish photo!

What a happy day!! I love my family!! And here's my birthday gift from my mama and uncle...

My key!!!!! It's really super super pretty and it's a real diamond!!! Oh my god my first ever diamond in my life, so pretty!!! It's so meaningful and I've been wearing it everyday ever since, other than when I went BKK! Super love it! I love you mummmmyyyy!!

Oh and my lousy siblings got me a Galaxy Tab cover which I chose myself. HAHAHAHA. My cute grandparents gave me red packets! ♥

24th January - Celebration at Uncle's
Theme: CNY?

On the second day of CNY, aka the day after my birthday, I went over to my 2nd uncle/Yirui's house for signature steamboat!!

Dad and siblings!

My dad actually bought a cake on CNY Eve before the cake shop closes because he wanted me to have a 21st birthday cake! So sweet! ♥

And here's my ultra pink cake!!!! ♥

My ke ai cousins and lousy siblings!! Brother why you smile like that! See me and nana smile so cute and happy!!!!!

With my ahma, gugu, 4th aunt, 2nd aunt, little cousin, baby niece, lousy siblings and daddy!

Hehehe I had an awesome celebration at Yirui erjie's house!! ♥ Everyone was really sweet and I received a lot of red packets!!!!! Hehehehe!

Giving out cake!! I like my dress!

25th January - Bimbos
Theme: Tribal

It's pink because Selena loves this gross color!!!!! Hahahaha.

Sele, Blanche and I met up at this ultra cool Japanese restaurant, whose name I forgot! HAHAHA it was located at Orchard Central if I didn't remember wrongly! You order via this iPad, and your order will be sent to you via a train!!!!! I was ultra fascinated and kinda wanna kiss Blanche for bringing me to such a cool place!

The sashimi is suuuuuper yummy!!!

Tribal dresses!!
I remember us taking quite a bit of photos but I think Blanche didn't send them to me, because in the email there was SharonBdayPart(I) but no Part (II)!!! Hahahaha. So that's all the photos I have, not even of Blanche!! :(

But I had an awesome time w them, and I love the maxi dress and the super pretty handmade card!! ♥ ♥

26th January - Girlfriends
Theme: New clothes!

HAHAHAHA it's a strange theme, but all of us were supposed to wear our CNY new clothes!!

We had our dinner at the Handburger which was crowded and the food tasted horrible! It made our mood really bad and hence we didn't really take much photos! :( The pity.

And here's my present!

My girlfriends got me a Ted Baker watch! Whatever that brand is hahaha! Noob story: Teri actually sent a photo of the watch to our group conversation before I even reached our meeting place! HAHAH they were actually choosing the presents and she wanted to whatsapp J and ended up sending it in the wrong convo!!!!

And the dials look like underscores! What time is it? It's _ _ : _ _ !!!

Above: Happy me!
Below: Looking gangsta!!
Super love the watch!! Hehehe, it's so small enough for my tiny wrist! Love you girlfriends!! ♥

Hehehehe, and that concludes my consecutive birthday celebration!! It was really fun and I felt ultra loved by all my ke ai family and friends!! And here's a miscellaneous one that made me feel kinda loved too HAHAHA.

Me, Faz and Dean at this random corner at Simpang! They actually wrote Happy 21st there, took a photo and sent it to J for my Birthday Video!! HAHAHAHAHA we went to visit that wall after my birthday when we went for supper! ♥ Miss you guys!

Okay finally...

I just bought a spanking new sewing machine!! My ahyi actually paid me after I bought it, because she has been wanting to get me a birthday present since Jan, but don't know what! She asked me numerous times to go get something but I really didn't have anything I want, and so today she passed me the money for the sewing machine! OMG she's so sweet! ♥

I'm so excited, can't wait to start on all my sewing projects!!

I really am the luckiest girl! I love my family!!!!!

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