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Of Project Toast & Ghost III

Wednesday, June 27, 2012 at 8:52 PM

Feeling: Bored
Listening: 五天幾年 - 林凡

We're on a roll! Hahahaha! The other day Kuanz and I went to Bongqiuqiu's flea and then we walked around aimlessly and found ourselves at a grass patch! HAHAHAHA an extremely photogenic grass patch, albeit with a good amount of people. And so..

Really love this really simple and basic font. Hahahah and if you haven't guessed it, our series name is Frolicking in the Sun because we chose to believe that we're in a cooling country and the sun's not extremely hot and we didn't sweat at all!!!!

Hahahhahahahaha joke.

Anyway I've been busy with my internship and it is alright so far, just a little lethargic in the middle of the day! :( Well let's hope it'll be a good one!!!

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Love, Sharon
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