Hello world! Just the other day, J and I went to Gardens by the Bay to take photos, as well as to celebrate our 2♥th month together! HEHE so gay put the heart as zero. And how time flies!!!!
The first photo is taken by his prime lens. The depth of field is really so niceeee!! The set of photos include those taken by prime lens, 18-55mm, and my compact. Hehe we so variety! And photos of me is obviously taken by him and vice versa. Enjoy!
Oops overdose of my photos! It's not that I didn't wanna take more photos of J, but it's really weird for a guy to stand amongst tall grass to take photos HAHAHA. So in the end he stood with a ROCK. How manly right!!
Anyway, if you noticed, I cut my hair!! :) It's a big deal to me cause I chopped off about 5-6 inches of hair! That's so much!!! But it's okay cause I love it!! And and 1 more week till the end of my internship, and 2 more weeks to camp! Can't wait to get the camp over and done with cause I hate camps! Haha.